Skin Health - Eczema, Psoriasis and Dry Skin


This month at the clinic our topic is skin health; with a main focus on inflammatory conditions of the skin, such as eczema, psoriasis and dry skin. Skin health starts in the gut. Those with an unbalanced microbiome are more likely to experience skin inflammation such as eczema, psoriasis, dry skin and acne. 

These are some very common issues we see in the clinic. 

Our skin is a major detoxification organ: many toxins leave the body through sweat. When these toxins go through the skin they cause damage on the way; the immune system then tries to deal with that damage and adds inflammation. It is the inflammation that shows up as a rash, often itchy.  Skin issues can flare periodically as toxins are discharged through the skin.

To remedy eczema and other skin issues in the long term we need to reduce the level of toxicity in the body. As most toxicity comes from the gut, we need to make sure we are healing the gut. The GAPS Nutritional Protocol is our way of doing this! Over time, with GAPS, you can completely remove symptoms of eczema, dry skin and psoriasis!

As our main focus should be healing the gut lining, restoring microbial balance and eliminating toxicity from the gut we can also provide some relief with natural, safe topical treatments -  this is not going to fix the root cause, however it can provide some relief from these painful and irritating skin conditions. 

*Remember the general rule about our skin & scalps: IF YOU CANNOT EAT IT DO NOT APPLY IT ! The skin absorbs most things applied to it; if you are using man-made chemicals they will not only be in your bloodstream in seconds but they will stay in your skin for a long time and make it sicker.

Topical remedies 

Different things work for different people, so experiment and see what supports your skin.

  • Do not use any soap or other chemicals on the skin and hair. Wash only with water in order to maintain your protective oils and the skin’s pH balance. Soaps and other chemicals wash off protective oils and dry out your skin. At the same time they wash off the habitat for your beneficial skin flora, which leaves your skin open to invasion by pathogens. (This one was key for me in getting over acne and dry skin).

  • Baths can be very helpful. On the first night use ½ cup of baking soda, the second night try 3-5 tablespoons of seaweed powder, the third night try running the hot water through a cotton bag full of gluten-free oatmeal. After the bath apply one of the following: ripe avocado mashed with a fork, homemade yogurt, kefir, or sour cream, sesame oil, olive oil, or coconut oil.

  • For severe eczema patches make overnight applications of raw honey or seaweed powder. To do that apply honey thickly over the eczema, then cover with cling wrap or a piece of flannel covered with cling wrap and taped on. Sleep like this, and in the morning wash the honey off and apply one of the following: ripe avocado mashed with a fork, homemade yogurt, kefir, or sour cream, sesame oil, or coconut oil. On the second night try an application of seaweed powder made by mixing 2 tablespoons of seaweed powder with a small amount of hot water to form a paste. Apply this just like the honey and follow up the same way.

  • For less severe eczema patches or areas of dry skin apply ripe avocado mashed together with a capsule of two probiotics. Do this twice a day until the skin gets better.

  • Swimming in the sea and sunbathing do wonders for eczema, psoriasis, and other skin problems, so engage in these activities as often as you can.

  • For diaper rashes apply homemade kefir or kefir cream (sour cream made with kefir culture) at every diaper change. Coconut oil can also be used.

    Whether you follow the GAPS™ Diet or not, these natural remedies can help you manage eczema and other skin conditions without putting more toxins on to your already irritated skin.

    This information is gathered from training materials from Dr. Natasha, but is not designed to be medical advice. Please use it with care.

Some herbal supplementation may also provide symptomatic relief. Our naturopath Bec recommends the following;

- Chamomile and liquorice for eczema

- Calendula for wound healing

- Chickweed cream to soothe itchy skin

Quick skin fixes can be; saunas, detox baths and natural, minimal and oil-based skincare.

If you want some help getting to the bottom of your skin health, book a free 20 minute consultation with one of our expert practitioners here