How to reduce Health Stress


As we approach the end of the year, we start to get some very valuable time to spend with family and friends and time to relax and take some well deserved time off which is fantastic! But we can often simultaneously feel stressed and pressured to maintain a ‘perfectly clean’ and idealistic lifestyle, diet and habits - these thoughts can manifest into health stress. While it is perfectly normal to have feelings like these, (as it shows you care about your health) stress and the outcomes of stress can have a largely detrimental effect on your health, and can do more harm than actually enjoying the holidays, food and socialising time! 

The most common thing people tell us in the clinic is how overwhelmed they are trying to navigate their health journey. And one thing we say for sure is that it definitely isn’t helping your health being this stressed! Take a deep breath, take a step back, and start thinking in smaller steps. Addressing your health can be much more simple than you think if you don’t overload yourself with so much different information- begin by working from exactly where you are at.

Does this sound like you? Try this!

  • Stop scrolling social media if it is creating more stress and overwhelm for you. 

  • Write down all of your symptoms and think about which of those symptoms are the most urgent to address.

  • Choose one step you could take to begin addressing this.

  • If you are unsure, then take your list to a trusted practitioner to help you begin addressing things.

Some of you may even be wanting to take this relaxing period to begin working on your health, and diet for the new year ahead which is fantastic! But, if you look back on any time you have tried to change your diet, chances are it was a stressful experience laden with guilt, blame, shame and deprivation. The trick is, sustainable health changes that actually make a difference over the long term, DO NOT feel stressful or overwhelming, and that is the way we roll in our clinic. 

How to work on your diet without creating more stress -

  1. Take it one step at a time, rather than overhauling your whole diet. Start with one meal of the day and work on that until it feels easy. 

  2. Keep it simple, healthy food does not need to be fancy.

  3. Aim for gradual changes over long periods of time, rather than rapid changes over a short period.

  4. Start from where you are at and celebrate every little win along the way. This is not a ‘diet starts Monday’ approach.

  5. Look at the big picture - health is not just the food you eat. It is also moving your body, finding joy and purpose, connecting with your loved ones. 

  6. Focus on adding in foods you want to eat more of, rather than on what you want to cut out.

  7. Be kind to yourself. Guilt, shame, blame and deprivation will not get you very far.

  8. Keeping your approach sustainable is key, if its’ too much work you won’t be able to maintain it.

How toxic are your new years resolutions?

Setting new years resolutions often also result in shame, blame and guilt towards yourself. We set unachievable goals and expect the world of ourselves to attain them, and when it doesn’t happen it can lead to deprivation, and more stress. Healthy doesn’t need to be overwhelming or stressful. Do you need a fresh approach to your health priorities?

If you feel you need help navigating your health, need assistance establishing good habits or are after a practitioner to work with, click here

You can also check out our 10 day programs here if you want to start the new year dipping your toes in some attainable and stress free health practices!

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