What is the GAPS Protocol?


GAPS, or Gut and Psychology Syndrome, or Gut and Physiology Syndrome, is becoming a term that more and more people are familiar with. Do you have ANY digestive issues? How about anxiety or depression? OCD? Allergies, asthma or intolerances? Autoimmune disease? Unhealthy eating behaviour? Addictions? Are you overweight or obese? Does dementia run in the family?

GAPS, or Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome is a condition, which establishes a connection between the functions of the digestive system and the brain. This term was created by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, MMedSci (neurology), MMedSci (human nutrition) in 2004 after working with hundreds of children and adults with neurological and psychiatric conditions, such as autistic spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD), schizophrenia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression, obsessive –compulsive disorder, bi-polar disorder and other neuro-psychological and psychiatric problems. GAPS has further developed to include the physiological issues, such as any digestive issues, chronic diseases, auto immune diseases, asthma and allergies etc. People tend to find that they have a mixture of psychological and physiological issues going on, such as chronic constipation plus depression and anxiety, or autism spectrum disorder with allergies and IBS.

The GAPS Nutritional Protocol is an incredibly healing protocol which has the potential to assist with all of these issues. Some individuals chose to start their GAPS journey by moving their current diet across to the “Full GAPS Diet”, prior to undertaking the GAPS introduction diet. Other individuals work methodically through the “Six Stages of the GAPS Introduction Diet” before moving to the Full GAPS Diet. It is important to choose an approach that is not stressful or overwhelming, which is why with the majority of our clients, we start with Full GAPS.

Full GAPS is the more varied version of GAPS, where the diet consists of fresh meats (hormone-free/ grass fed if possible), animal fats, fish, shellfish, organic farm-fresh eggs (if well tolerated), fermented foods, and vegetables. There are also baked goods made from nut flours allowed as well as fruits, but these can be detrimental to the healing process and should be consumed in moderation.

The introduction diet is a protocol involving 6 stages, starting from stage 1 where you consume meat stocks with meat and veg cooked in them, juice from fermented veg, fermented dairy and ginger tea. As you move through the stages you introduce foods in until you reach Full GAPS with all of the allowed foods. The introduction diet is not something we do with all of our clients, and it is very important that it is approached in the right way for those that do it, as it is not something that needs to be stressful or overwhelming. When approached in the right way, the introduction diet is actually quite easy to move through, and so incredibly healing for the body.

If you would like to chat to us about how your GAPS journey could look, book in for a free initial consultation.