Fussy eating - why it happens and how to fix it

Watch the fussy eaters series here

Watch the fussy eaters series here


Hey guys! In this video series we're going to talk about "fussy eaters". Something I get asked about a lot!

I want to tell you about the three main causes of fussy eating - the first is gut health issues and followed by nutritional deficiencies and sensory issues. And one thing to clarify, is that often it's an overlap! 

Gut health issues will result in sensory issues, and that can also result in nutrition deficiencies. 

First off, when there are gut health issues, it often means there can be lots of intolerances experienced. Intolerances our body's super smart way to tell us that certain foods aren't working well for us. This can also lead to things like low stomach acid and low pancreatic enzymes, and then we're not actually digesting our food properly. 

If we're not digesting our food properly, and our body is telling us that we're intolerant to things, this often means there is going to be aversions to certain foods. 

 On top of that, when there are gut health issues, the microbiome can be out of balance. As it's the bacteria in the gut microbiome that are actually sending messages to the brain about what foods it wants to eat - often starchy carbs and sugars - that's where there can be fussy eating around only craving white foods with aversions to other foods. The bacteria are kind of saying no, they don't want to eat that!

As for nutritional deficiencies, particularly things like zinc, this can actually alter the taste of food and cause nausea and low appetite. There are other nutritional deficiencies that can play a part in Fussy eating as well.

Addressing nutritional deficiencies can actually change the taste of food -
cravings around food - nausea - appetite. 

The other important factor around fussy eating are sensory issues. Sensory issues changes how things feel. If sensory issues are happening in the mouth, that can change the message the body and the brain is getting about the texture of food; the taste and feel of food and everything that's going on in there. 

When there is oral aversion and sensory issues, things like gagging when eating food can result. Addressing the gut health and nutritional deficiencies can really help with this. Particularly the gut health side of things, as what's going on in the microbiome at the mouth with oral sensitivity can be really resolved by working on the gut health side of things. 

We have a mucus membrane in the gut, we also have a mucus membrane in the mouth and our mouths have their own microbiome of bacteria too! If that bacteria is really out of balance, that's going to affect how things taste in the mouth and affect those sensory issues in the mouth also. 

These are the three areas to look at when addressing fussy eating and something best to work with a practitioner on. 


Fussy eating is just one of the topics I cover in The Gut Health Formula with Jo Whitton of Quirky Cooking. This program is a great option to get you on your way.

Over the years Jo and I have been guiding families through healing their guts, we have developed what we (and the families we work with) would consider THE most balanced approach you can take to nourishing the health of your family using the power of a gut healing protocol in a way that is NOT overwhelming or stressful.

Next round of our The Gut Health Formula starts April 23


Overwhelmed and don't know where to start with your health? Another option I whole-heartedly recommend is to connect with us for a FREE 30 minute consultation. 

Together we can explore you and your family's current health concerns and discuss ways of working together to nurture the healthiest version of you and your loved ones.

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