Alexx Stuart - Low Tox Life
Alexx Stuart's passions run wide and deep. She founded the online community and education hub Low Tox Life in 2010 and is responsible for birthing the low tox movement with the phrase low tox that has resonated with people around the world who yearn for a healthier people and happier planet. Her international bestselling book Low Tox Life and podcast by the same name have supported millions in achieving their personal, home and planet health goals. She is a sought-after speaker and consultant to organisations committing to change for good, whether it's a focus on people's health or the planet's. Her latest book, Low Tox Life FOOD was released in October 2021 and tackles the biggest things we can agree on when it comes to healing the food system while inspiring us to cook through the book's delicious recipes.
Resources from Alexx:
"So you think you've got mould" is a centralised post with links to all the mould-related stuff I've done on my website over the years/podcast
Mould Illness Made Simple - An incredible course by Australia's foremost doctor when it comes to mould, Dr Sandeep Gupta. Low Tox Community get 10% off with Lowtox10 code via this link:
Aus Climate - Dehumidifiers are required for your home if you can't keep it below 60% humidity (test with a hygrometer from Bunnings) They have great air filters too, and Low Tox community discount is LOWTOXLIFE for 10% all of 2022.
Seeking Health supplements for your methyl-free B vitamins, HistaminX (calm the farm general natural antihistamine) + Histamine Block (enzyme to take with meals that are high histamine such as ferments/leftovers/nightshades/fish/cheese)
Discuss a more complete supplement regime with your practitioner.