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Nourished kids without the meal time battles!!

One of the biggest challenges as a parent is knowing that you are nourishing your kids in the best way you can. Between fussy eating, social events, sharing lunches at school, food prizes for school/sport, family members giving treats, AND the fact that they are hungry all the time and often craving sweet/starchy things…it can feel pretty tough!


In this masterclass, we are not just going to tell you WHAT to feed your children (and leave you wondering HOW???), we are going to dive into fussy eating, food craving, healthy food boundaries, supporting a health relationship with foods, dealing with social events, and how best to support and nourish their systems for optimal health. Nourishing their growing bodies in the best way possible is one of the most important things we can do for them as parents.


What we will cover:

  • Part 1: Healthy boundaries and building a positive relationship with food

  • Part 2: Nourishing your kids with the things they need most for their development

  • Part 3: Fussy eaters/sugar cravings/starch cravings…..they are always hungry!

  • Part 4: How to best support children’s gut health and immunity

  • Part 5: Nourishing kids on all levels - supporting their nervous system and circadian rhythms

    It is not just a matter of knowing what they should eat…most of you already know that! There are many challenges to navigate when it comes to feeding our kids, and it can be tricky and overwhelming to know where to start, so we give you steps to take that actually work, are sustainable for a family, and don’t lead to meal time battles!


What’s Included

  • 2-hour live Masterclass recording to keep with clear and actionable steps to nourish your kids

  • A PDF document with the clear information from what is covered in the class

  • A discount code for the Well Belly Store on recommended products



Price - $29

Recorded Masterclass and PDF’s are yours to keep.

Click below to register.